Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Here are some pics of McKinley opening gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Larsen. She almost got the hang of it, as she definitely loved the sound of crinkling paper. After awhile the paper or the present would end up in the mouth.
The cool part was watching her get into the Christmas spirit. As you can tell from the pics, she was definitely enjoying herself.
Eating the Food Mill... just getting ready for something besides milk

For Christmas we went with the Tuma side over to Sunriver.  We all decided to dress up in UGLY SWEATERS for Christmas eve.  Yes we walked around the Sunriver Mall and even went to the Christmas Eve church service with them on.  
I personally love Mom & Dad Tuma's matching sweaters.  They got quite a few reactions.

All bundled up for the cold weather but no snow to play in
Pretending to be Mary
Nick's mom has this really cool tradition of giving a book each night leading up to Christmas.  What is even cooler is the books she gave McKinley belonged to Nick.  McKinley is reading the same books that her daddy read.
Love central Oregon and LOVE seeing mountains
McKinley in a Manger

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