Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Reflections on resigning from coaching:

Well it is time to hang up the whistle for awhile. Except that in coaching I never used a whistle =) But the point is made that I am stepping away from coaching. I don't know how long this hiatus will be. It creates a swirl of thoughts and reflections in my head and within my heart. It is not easy to step away... yet after a long time of prayer it is the next step out of the boat that God wants me to take. Jesus, may I experience the rush of walking on water once again in my life. You literally gave it to Peter when he took that step of faith. And you have figuratively gave it to me through out my life time. Walking with Christ toward heaven is an adventure filled with the most undeserving outcomes. God truly does do abundantly more than we could ever imagine.

Thought #1
Coaching has been such a blessing in many ways. It was an avenue to use the talents & gifts that God has bestowed upon me and developed within me. There was nothing I found more rewarding than mentoring young women. It has been my passion and my heart to hopefully show & teach young women where true confidence comes from. I always say that confidence = identity. Thus if you know your identity, you have the strength to be confident throughout the season's of life. "True confidence comes from knowing whose you are... and than you will know who you are." Basketball was the avenue that opened doors in young women's lives to explain to them You were created by God... you are His... He created you with special talents & gifts. Their confidence got tested through out a basketball season. Just like life, a season of sports has it's ups & downs. It is demanding physically and mentally and it tests your character. (I am a demanding coach with high expectations thus I demanded and created situations that drew out those three things in my players.) If their confidence was built upon a fake identity, it was quickly shattered. I did get to see many young women develop True Confidence. When the storm came they were like a lighthouse.... steady and bright. Others were like a buoy. They would be tossed around and wavered throughout the different storms. It was rewarding to be a spectator in so many young women's lives and to watch God develop and shine out aspects of His character from within them.

I pray that despite stepping a way from coaching that God will raise up opportunities to still be in Paul & Timothy type relationships. I know that the talents and gifts he has bestowed upon me are not going on hiatus. They will be used to blessed my family and hopefully point others to Christ as well.

Faces of Victory

The girls reacting from a LEGENDARY come back victory over Marshfield.

We came back from a 24+ point defecit with a trapping style of full court & half court defenses.
We eventually won on a last second layup from Brittany Burroughs.

Elise Nelson broke down the pirate's full court defense to pass it to Burt who was underneath the hoop.

This would be the first of many of Nelson's heroic efforts to pull her team to victory. She would later set up Natalie Smith to beat North Eugene & Kelli Rice to beat Springfield on clutch long range 3's... to name a few =)

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