Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Slowing Down

McKinley is fascinated by lights and her own reflection...
The amount of time she spends in front of the mirror is most likely leading her to be a vain child.

This little girl has come into my life and changed me for the good. Already she has taught me to slow down and enjoy life's little pleasures. And oh how I do! I simply enjoy watching her stretch to wake up, the little "McKinley" noises she makes in her sleep, and teaching her how to "play" in hopes of getting her to crack her first smile. I have to pull myself away and say "Michelle let's be productive." Because in reality I could just watch her all day and be completely content and at peace.
I love that that my life is no longer dictated by a "To-Do List", or by pressures from others to get something done, or by my own drive to be successful. Those have all been put aside for this little girl. Her need to be held, rocked or be fed now dictates what I do. If she survives the day... I am successful! =) If I am graced with a "Mom Moment" it's a point for me!

This could be confused with the grunting and stretching of a good ol' poo... but it's actually her "wake up" routine.

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