Saturday, July 30, 2011

Overnight Change

Pool Side time with Katy Naylor

Brady Bidwell & McKinley

Visiting the campers

It's amazing how much a baby changes ones life. Life for the Nick & I now revolves around a 3 hour cycle that consists of "Change Diaper, Nurse, Burp, Sleep, Repeat". Sometimes we are lucky and an additional "Change Diaper" gets thrown into the cycle.
The first few days home I was thinking to myself, "Oh my goodness this is my life now... and something like this is to continue for the next 18 years." What happened to the days of backpacking across Europe, rock climbing at Smith Rock, whitewater rafting down Oregon's beautiful rivers. Is that season of life over?
Than a few days later... I adapted. Life has season's. I might not be able to "go-go-go" checking off the to-do list of adventures like I once did. But I find contentment in watching my little girl sleep and in seeing her enjoy tummy time on daddy's chest. My adventures have simply adapted to accommodate a little girl in my life. I surprise myself... I am quite okay with it. We have embarked on visiting the girls camping with Brita & Trace, a pool party with tons of great friends, strolling along the river bank trail, time at Granny's & Bapa's (so mom & dad could enjoy date night at King Estate's) and a road trip to Mikaela & Ryan's wedding. What's on deck??? A trip to the beach this next week, Sunriver to go on her first hike, Hawaii in September, and we are going to try a camping trip. Any other suggestions?!?!?! Some might think we are crazy... that's what some nay-sayers told my mom when she took me out on the ski boat less than a month old and out primitive camping during deer hunting season a few more months later. The sense of adventure started with my mom, who gave it to me, and now I will naturally probably pass it on to McKinley.

Life has changes... but who we are remains the same. You just adapt to a new way of being you.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Addition to the Larsen Family

McKinley Mace Larsen
July 16, 2011
3:17 pm
8 lbs. 5 oz

Alrighty... here we go. New addition to our family, thus it is time to try my hand at this blog thing. More to come soon, but here is our beautiful new baby girl.